Grandezza Investments Inc. – Progressing on Schedule

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Grandezza Investments Inc.

51 Folsetter Drive, County of Brant, ON

Exterior site work of Grandezza Investments Inc. located on 51 Folsetter Drive in the County of Brant is about 80% complete.  Steel erection of the Robertson Building Systems structure is nearly complete.  Exterior hollow metal frames and doors installed and interior lights in progress.  Electrical vault and duct bank, curtain wall framing and backer panels will all be completed by end of the week.  Concrete curbs and sidewalks will be ready by mid next week at which time the infra red heaters will begin installation.  Asphalt work to follow and ready by end of the month.   Project is progressing on schedule with completion ready in September 2016.

Grandezza Aug 17 (2)b Grandezza Aug 17 (3)b Grandezza Aug 17b

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